A very powerful component for wellness and beauty: a good sleep. This is the reason why so many studies related the effect of sleep to our health, support the need to spend 1/3 of our time in bed. Every night, when lying to bed for sleep is like diving to a “fountain of youth”. There are so many vital operations for the human body that cannot occur during the waking hours: Operations that have to do with our immune and nervous system, brain detox, growth, the setting of our hormone system, the regeneration of cells, memory and learning activities, social behavior, emotional state etc. A lack of night sleep can be offset only partially during the day and weekends. This is due to the fact that most of these activities take place in the deepest stages of sleep, they need a certain amount of time to be complete and they need to coordinate with certain circadian rhythm of human body.
What is happening to our face?
Have you ever wondered why the lack of sleep is reflected in our face? The face is full of veins. Our lips are red because of blood itself, as is the blush in our cheeks. In a state of sleep deprivation, the nervous system starts to not regulate the blood vessels very well, [often resulting] in redness in the sclera itself and across the face and neck, as well as swelling and dark cycles in the eyes area.
The meaning of Beauty Sleep for the face
Let’s see now what is happening to our face during this night Beauty sleep.
Collagen Production
Collagen constitutes a vital element of our bones, muscles, skin, hair, joints and tendons as it maintains the connectivity of the tissues. Its production takes place during sleeping hours when the regenerating process is aiming to the offset of the day losses. The fact is, that as collagen level production is slowing down with age, the outcome is visible to the skin elasticity. As such, we may understand that the role of a good sleep, become more important as we age not only for the skin sustainability but for all face layers (bones, muscles, fat, hair).
Rehydrating process
Sleeping hours are essential for the rehydration of the skin. In situations that sleep is not enough, the inflammations that are created, dilute hyaluronic acid, the core hydrating polysaccharide of the skin. This dilution drives a negative domino effect for the hydrating shield of the skin surface. This is the reason why the skin looks dull and dry after a poor sleep.
Hormonal balance
As we begin our sleep at night, the levels of melatonin and growth hormone are getting to their highest level. This is so important for the skin rejuvenation, the offsetting of UV and environmental damage and the regeneration of cells. The same applies to the bones and muscles: healing and regeneration. This is the case for the hair too, with production of proteins for their growth and health. Additionally, a good sleep, decreases the cortisol’s levels, a hormone associated with inflammations and high sebum production. Lower levels of cortisol mean also less fluid retention, puffiness and dark cycles.
How can we improve the quality of our sleep?
No matter how many hours we (can) sleep, taking the most of it for our health, is a common place. An analysis of the key parameters is following.
Nutrition in general, determines the quality of our life. The more balanced our diet is, without trans-fat and chemical preservatives, the more energetic and vibrant we are during the day and the better sleep we take at night. We should be mindful with the salt consumption especially during the evening and night hours as it allows fluid retention, which leads to swellings. Moreover, high salt intake is related with stomach disorders, another factor that can disrupt the night sleep. High alcohol levels effect human body similarly. According to studies, alcohol is additionally related with irregularities in the stages of sleep, especially the REM stage. Caffeine consumption is another parameter that can put on ice the way to a sleeping state and if we add the puffiness that is stimulated due to fluids retention, we conclude that is better to refrain from caffeine after the evening hours.
Healthy night routine
Following a relaxing and stress-relieving routine is the first step for a good sleep: moderate workout, meditation, relaxing music, hot bath, book reading etc. are some rituals that be integrated to our program. Respectively, it is in favor of our sleep to keep a distance from activities such as T.V. and screens at least half an hour before going to bed. Blue light exposure has a negative result in our circadian rhythm and in the production of melatonin, also known as the sleep hormone, confusing by this way our system and putting an obstacle to our sleep. In work related matters (i.e. office), where we cannot stay away from a screen, wearing blue light blocking glasses, is highly recommended.
Night skincare routine
For our bedtime skincare routine, we select products sensitive to light and products that are difficult to get absorbed in the daylight. Vitamin C and retinol are photosensitive examples, while face oils are better absorbed at night. Each selection should be made in accordance with our skin type. For example, retinol may be too hard for a sensitive skin whereas, products with high density may cannot get absorbed by a skin that is characterized oily.
Sleep posture
A correct posture during our sleep has primary role to the smooth operation of our body. Sometimes, despite the fact that we have an adequate sleep, in terms of quantity, we wake up stiff or/ and tired. Most of the times, this has to do with our sleeping position.
According to studies, the majority prefers sleeping on the side. Doing so, puts higher pressure to a specific part of the body. This has a negative impact on the oxygen flow in that area of the face, together with swellings and sleeping wrinkles. As far as the body is concerned, aches and stiffness are common to arms and hips in the depressed side. Besides, right side sleeping has the additional effect in the operation of esophagus, which leads acids to get upwards.
Stomach sleeping is preferred by the minority of population (between 5 and 10%). This pose, is the most stressful for our face and body together, based on studies. For the face, the side effects are the same as in previous pose, but more extreme due to higher pressure and due to the poor posture for the back of the neck, which deteriorates even more the blood and nutrients circulation. This is the case for the body too, with stiffness and muscles pain.
The most favorable position is sleeping on the back. Back Sleeping with a low pillow for the neck support, is a perfect position for the blood and nutrients flow and oxygenation in the face and neck, leaving on the same time the body relaxed of uneven pressure to some areas and acidity to stomach and esophagus.
Taking a good sleeping pose is essential element of wellness and vitality. It is worth trying to adopt a pose that promotes energy and relaxation but at the same time it is worth equally, to sleep with no impositions and discomfort. There are some actions easy to do in order to promote a better sleep pose such as using an anatomical pillow, for the neck and another one for the knees. Also, the use of silk or satin pillow cases is highly recommended for a gentler skin contact without rubbings.
Environmental conditions
The most important environmental conditions are related with light, temperature and noise.
Light should be as soft as possible, even no light at all, while the noise is nice to be very limited to the necessary: electronic devices, clocks etc. Also, music is not recommended if it will disturb our body circadian rhythm and the quality of our sleep.
Temperature conditions should be as gentle as possible for the human body in a sleeping state, enabling the body functions of relaxation, regeneration, detoxification etc. to operate smoothly.
Face Yoga as part of the night routine
Face Yoga effects our face with breathing, exercises and massage techniques, to the direction of relaxation, adoption of a natural face and body sleeping pose and the increase of blood circulation in order to facilitate the absorption of skincare products and the cells regenerating process.
Conscious breathing enables the release of toxins, de-stress and grounding. Breath sends the message to our autonomous nervous system to relax body and mind in order to get easier in a sleeping mode.
Through face yoga exercises, the muscular system is stretched and returns to the normal length, leaving tension and blockages away. This is the case of massage techniques too, helping also the skincare products get in to the lower skin levels by the increase in the blood circulation.
In an environment where the blood, nutrients and lymph flow are happening with ease, the regenerating process is realized without blockages and the face takes all the benefits of the night sleep. Additionally, puffiness, irritations, inflammations etc. resulted by tension and blockages are faded out.
Giving a piece of self-care to ourselves is always a good idea to feel nice and relaxed. Our focus is directed to positive feelings (gratitude, self-love, self-respect etc.), the body is getting easier to the sleep nourishing flow.
Below, they are following some easy to do night face yoga routines.
We begin with breathing in order to regain our focus, to stretch and release the tension.
We continue with a warmup and opening massage so as to unblock all the areas.
We close with a workout program mobilizing the muscles, releasing the movement and the circulation of blood, oxygen and nutrients.
For the days when the bedtime routine is in a rush, we can follow the super express program below to get a quick relief, stretching and relaxation before sleep.
Introducing a face yoga night routine, gives to your face a precious gift of beauty and wellness.