Face Retreat,
our philosophy
Breathing is life. It fuels our body with oxygen, which is necessary for the operation of each cell and our whole system. By learning to breath the proper way, we help ourselves to relax, to focus, and to energize whenever needed for living a more balanced and harmonized life.
Touch is essential for communication and contact. Besides, it reinforces the acceptance. By using the appropriate massage and acupressure techniques, we communicate and connect with our face and our body.
our expressions and posture
Every feeling we experience is written down to our face and body. Developing consciousness of that connection, is the first step for the communication between our “inner” and our “surface" part, in order to attain harmony in our system.
Observation comes to facilitate the introspection/ awakening of connection between feelings- expressions and posture for a deeper understanding.
The correct training that follows all the above, is the phase of action and re – training of ourself into new habits.
our face and posture from inside out with
I am Maria. What characterizes me is : restless and practical spirit. From my early years I was keen on analyzing, organizing and setting things. My studies in Economics and Business Strategy, gave me the chance to broaden this ability which later on was used through my career in large multinational and Greek companies.
Wellness came to my life as a natural way to balance body and mind : the hustle and bustle of city life, demanding roles in career and personal environment, family, lack of personal time. My face began to show signs of fatigue and tension and I was looking into a method that handles the face in a holistic way.
It was then, that I met face yoga and having many years of yoga experience I very soon realized that it was, what I was looking for; a practice that looks and treats the face holistically, setting balance inside out with our own hands! So I decided to get certified as a face yoga expert. In the face of my instructor, Areti Kafantari, I found guidance, inspiration and creativity. Then things got their way. I got certified further in massage techniques, therapies (Gua Sha, Indian Head Massage, Trigger Points, ) and breathwork and I decided that helping others to get in touch and improve their face and posture, was what I liked the most.
I invite you to analyze your face together and set an action plan for a more balanced, vivid and expressionally correct face through your own hands!