Conscious breathing is a fundamental element of Face Yoga. Most of the times, it is used in the beginning of the session flow with purpose to relax the autonomous nervous system and to have an effect to the rest functions of the body. The scope is for the human body to release the “fight or flight” state and focus on the present moment. Each one of these breathings, can be used as a solo technique in relation to the evidences of each situation.

An analysis of some basic techniques is followed below.

Diaphragmatic Breathing

This technique, is the conscious breathing cornerstone as it promotes the body and spiritual wellness and relaxation. Diaphragm is squeezed as a spring letting the lugs to fill with air.

This has the below benefits:

  • allows the torso to get stabilized in an even posture and
  • advances the function of the muscular system there
  • calms the mind, having a positive impact on the stress symptoms and
  • tones the respiratory muscles by improving the breathing
  • balances vagus nerve which controls the whole gastrointestinal tract
  • lowers the blood pressure acting as a physical remedy to hypertension and migraines
  • allows us to slow down our breathing pattern in order to oxygenate the whole-body tissues and release the carbon dioxide effectively

How it is carried out:

Level 1

  1. Sit comfortably in a vertical position, so as to facilitate the movement of respiratory muscles in breathing, while having the knees bent
  2. Place the left hand on the upper chest and the right just below the rib cage. This helps to feel better the muscles in the abdominal area
  3. Relax face and body
  4. Breath in on the count of 4 through the nose and drive the air down to the basis of the spine while the belly area is inflated. The chest remains almost still.
  5. Breath out on the count of 4 through the nose while letting respiratory muscles return to their initial position

Level 2

  1. –  4. όπως Επίπεδο 1
  2. Stay still, no breathing at all, for 4’’ while observing the stretching in the belly area
  3. Breath out on the count of 4 through the nose while letting respiratory muscles return to their initial position

Level 3 (for full relaxation)

  1. –  4. όπως Επίπεδο 1
  2. Stay still, no breathing at all, for 7’’ while observing the stretching in the area of belly
  3. Breath out through the nose in 8’’

Candle Breathing

As a technique, promotes instant relaxation with guided exhalation through the mouth.

It is recommended in situations that our primary need is to calm, relax and release any symptoms of tension and stress so as to balance the breathing mode and the blood pressure. In parallel, due to the fact that candles blow out is related with birthday and happy moments in general, it works euphorically for the subconscious.

Watch the video below and check how you can feel all the above mentioned benefits with this technique.

Victorious Breath (Ujjayi Pranayama)

It is a deep and high-pressure breath that relaxes body and mind by warming up the atmosphere inside.

Its main contribution contains the below:

  • acts as a workout for the respiratory muscles so as to improve the breathing, the consciousness and the endurance during physical exercise
  • balances the cardiopulmonary system and the blood pressure in order to relax
  • facilitates the focus, the grounding sensation and
  • due to the fact that its center is located to the neck area it builds up to the thyroid gland function

The characteristic of the technique is the wave sound produced as the air is concentrated to the basis of the neck and epiglottis blocks the way up. Watch the video below, for a step-by-step analysis.

Alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhana Pranayama)

Alternate nostril breathing works wonders for balance and purification.

Its more characteristic benefits are:

  • promotes the harmony between brain hemispheres
  • purifies and unblocks the tensed areas, letting the energy flow naturally and the breathing happening equally between the two nostrils
  • levels up clarity and focus of mind
  • letting body and mind relax
  • releases stress symptoms
  • helps in headaches and migraines situations

Follow the steps in the video below and enjoy all the benefits of Alternate nostril breathing.

Lion Breath (Simha Pranayama)

It is one of the most effective techniques for the stress release. It’s characteristic intense breathing facilitates the below:

  • acts as an instant stretch and detox tool, providing at the same time a challenging workout for the lugs
  • any tension and blockage are released through the exhalation from the mouth area, letting all the muscles to extend
  • the energy levels rise up, brain is able to work clearly and the cognitive functioning are improved
  • the throat center opens up, the expression is freed and the voice is getting sharper

For further info, follow the steps in the video below.

Είναι γεγονός  ότι η συνειδητή αναπνοή, είναι «ένα εργαλείο στην τσέπη μας» ανά πάσα στιγμή. Ένα εργαλείο που μας επιτρέπει να αποκτήσουμε τον έλεγχο της αναπνοής μας, να γίνουμε πιο συνειδητοί, να έχουμε καλύτερη επικοινωνία και αρμονία με τον εαυτό μας και το περιβάλλον μας. Αξίζει λοιπόν να το συμπεριλάβουμε στη «φαρέτρα» με τα εργαλεία της καθημερινότητά μας.